The logo of the SEQ “AICT” ОЦ “ИИКТ” corresponds to the brand of the South Ural State University.
The corporate color of the logo is CMYK (100, 80, 0, 0) or PANTONE Blue 072 C.
Corporate font is the Roboto Slab.
Vertical logo: download PNG, SVG (Russian), download PNG, SVG (English).
Short logo: download PNG, SVG (Russian), download PNG, SVG (English).
Horizontal logo: download PNG, SVG (Russian), download PNG, SVG (English).
Scientific and Educational Center “Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technologies” (SEC “AIQT”)
SEC provides high-level software services for engineering design and analysis used in the educational process and scientific research.
© SEC “AIQT”, 2008-2025